A general ECGI workflow requires a framework of techniques and software tools that are as unique as the problem they intend to solve. Such workflows can be organized into pipelines that describe the step-by-step processes, coupled to supporting software, that are needed to perform reconstructions of the electrical activity of the heart. Example pipelines, contributed by members of CEI can be found in the following pages and are supported of Meshing, Segmentation, Simulation and Visualization tools.
As part of our 2017 CEI Hackathon we have made an effort to identify and distribute software that are useful for signal processing with ECGI data. Visit the Signal Processing software page for a list of these software tools.
You can also find github repos of the active CEI projects.
These tools are designed to format, filter, fiducilize, and output bioelectric signals recorded from experimental preparations, clinical systems, and various other sources.
These tools are designed to filter, segment, and process imaging data to produce isosurfaces and other geometric models.
These tools construct volumetric and surface meshes based on input data such as medical imaging segmentations.
These tools are designed to visualize the signals and geometries used in computations or gathered from experimental/clinical recordings. Many of these tools incorporate the ability to visualize a geometry and data mapped onto it in a flexible manner.
These tools are designed to perform bioelectric simulations from a cellular to whole organ scale using a wide variety of computational techniques and underlying models.
These examples of combinations of the above software demonstrate taking raw experimental data and bringing it all the way to useful visualizations, simulations, and analysis.